The Hockey Season without an Ending

Holding Space for Last Season and Preparing for the Next  I’ve been thinking about this post for a while. I’ve wanted to write about the 2019-2020 hockey season that, like so many aspects of our lives, was interrupted by the pandemic last March. For many children there were games that were never played. Year-End celebrations... Continue Reading →

A Hockey Stick Apart

When staying safe meant staying in*When life became different than it’s ever been We had to learn to stay apartBut keep our loved ones close to heart The Coronovirus, at first like a storm far away, Moved closer and closer day by day Until finally we had to prepare And then we were suddenly very aware That... Continue Reading →

Healthy Hockey Snacks

When I signed up for motherhood no one ever told me how much food children can eat - especially when they're growing athletes. Instead of putting money away for their future education, I'm contemplating putting a savings plan in place for the exorbitant grocery bills I'm going to have when my two children are teenagers... Continue Reading →

Twas the Night Before Hockey Season

Twas the night before Hockey season, when all thro’ the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The gear was all packed in the hockey bags with care, In hopes that tomorrow’s evaluations would be enjoyable and fair. The children were all nestled and snug in their beds, While visions of tournaments... Continue Reading →

Humboldt Strong

Today, I dropped my two children off to school in their hockey jerseys. Today, I wore green, yellow and white to work. Today, every person I met was wearing a jersey. Today, I watched a group of students stand on the corner of a busy street with signs asking drivers to honk their horns in... Continue Reading →

Home Cooked Meals for Busy Hockey Moms

Over the past few years, I’ve really struggled with providing home cooked meals for my two growing hockey players. As a full-time working mom who has a second full-time job as a hockey mom, there is never enough time. The first two years my children were in hockey, we ate take-out far too often (although... Continue Reading →

Play-offs for Parents

There’s nothing that gets the adrenaline running and the heart pumping quite like an intense minor hockey play-off game. And I’m not describing the players here – although I’m sure they experience those physical effects too- I’m talking about the parents in the stands who can barely contain their excitement or dismay at their child’s... Continue Reading →

A Beginner’s Guide to Hockey

When my son started minor hockey, I knew nothing. Not a thing. So if you’re in the same boat, and you’re reading this because you have no idea about hockey, then don’t feel bad. There are other moms (and dads, and grandparents) just like you. You are not alone! This post is designed to address... Continue Reading →

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